
Sunter57Link start made on 12 June 2009 in Jakarta. Is part of Sunter57 Group. Used to make it easier to find things in the internet world. Search Engine with a difference is all the links already in the test link and fill in accordance with title / website.

Contact : mastercool354

Phone   : +6221-44302210, +6221-93195113

Email    : 


Indonesian Magazine

1. InfoKomputer
2. Linux
3. Hai
4. Wanita
5. Trubus
6. Gramedia
7. Gatra
8. Ayahbunda
9. Angkasa
10. Aneka Yess

Indonesian Newspaper

1. DetikCom
2. Kompas
3. Media Indonesia
4. Poskota
5. Republika
6. Sindo
7. Tempo
8. e-Suara Pembaruan
9. e-Kompas
10. e-Tempo

Upload Your File

1. File Cargo
2. Esnips
3. Bizhat
4. File Freak
5. Ziddu
6. 2Shared
7. TinyPic

Search Engine

- Pakde Google
- WolframAlpha
- Bing_Microsoft
- AltaVista
- Dogpile